Places to visit in Japan: Uji City 宇治市

Uji 宇治市 is a small city between Kyoto and Nara in Japan. I went there a few days back as I had heard a lot of good things about temples in Uji. It is also famous for its green tea known for its superior quality...

Kitsch Indian Products: India Circus by Krsna Mehta

I love spring, coz I think spring is nature’s way of saying lets party. Not only is there a marked change in my mood and a certain spring :) in my gait - but the colour palette of my outfits too undergo a trans...
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Latest Hair Trend : Keratin Treatment and My Experience

Keratin was always on my mind although I was a little intimidated as my past experiences with hair straightening had ended up on a bad note (read a lot of hair breakage!!) I guess it is because of the harsh che...

Nanzen-ji Temple 南禅寺 , Kyoto 京都 in Autumn

Don't get me wrong...I have nothing against hanami ( cherry blossom ) in Japan, but I feel that it is slightly overrated!! I mean the flowers are pretty no doubt, but sitting under a tree with a picnic basket j...