Things to do in Kyoto : Gion

Last week we went to Gion district in Kyoto for the third time (as the first two times it started raining) in the hope of accidently bumping into a geisha or being served by a maiko. Gion (祇園) is Kyoto's most f...
Indian summer style

Head and Shoulders ヘッド アンド ショルダー

I wore this outfit for a visit to the supermarket to get some dandruff shampoo. I have no other option coz I see Japanese girls immaculately dressed even at 8  a.m.buying eggs in the supermarket..while I land t...
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Things to do in Osaka:Cherry Blossom

These pictures are taken at Kema Sakuranomiya Park at Temmabashi where we went on Saturday in the hope of watching some cherry blossom.But guess we were late coz there were hardly any flowers left on the trees....