Online Shopping Woes

I love shopping. There is a little bit of magic found in buying something new. It is like ice cream. There's always room for more! But, I always questioned myself, if I could ever really enjoy online shopping ...

Cute Work Outfits

I work 5 days a week, 9-6 and sometimes more. I read somewhere that a woman who works five days a week has to come up with approximately 251 work outfits a year!!! That is why what to wear to work is also a jo...
Indian summer style

Head and Shoulders ヘッド アンド ショルダー

I wore this outfit for a visit to the supermarket to get some dandruff shampoo. I have no other option coz I see Japanese girls immaculately dressed even at 8  a.m.buying eggs in the supermarket..while I land t...