Places to visit in Japan: Uji City 宇治市 June 15, 2015 Uji 宇治市 is a small city between Kyoto and Nara in Japan. I went there a few days back as I had heard a lot of good things about temples in Uji. It is also famous for its green tea known for its superior quality...
Latest Fashion Trends I will follow in 2015: Coordinates or Matching Sets May 25, 2015 When I tell you that I am slow in following latest fashion trends, I am not kidding. For instance this matchy - matchy or coordinate trend that started maybe a few months back, I jumped on the bandwagon only re...
Kitsch Indian Products: India Circus by Krsna Mehta April 27, 2015 I love spring, coz I think spring is nature’s way of saying lets party. Not only is there a marked change in my mood and a certain spring :) in my gait - but the colour palette of my outfits too undergo a trans...
Things to do in Japan in Spring: Plum Blossom at Osaka Castle 梅大 坂城 March 18, 2015 Every year in Spring I visit Osaka Castle to view Cherry Blossoms, it's a ritual that I absolutely enjoy. Believe it or not but only this year I discovered the beauty of Plum Blossoms and although every one tri...
Best lip balm for smooth lips: Maybelline New York Baby Lips Electro Pop Lip Balm メイベリン ニューヨーク リップクリーム エレクトロポップ March 12, 2015 It was very kind of Maybelline Japan to send me 3 lip balmsfrom their new Electro Pop range. I am not sure if they are new in market, but I hadn’t seen them much before in Osaka. The shades I have are Pink Shoc...
Sapporo Snow Festival さっぽろ雪まつり @Hokkaido Japan 北海道 日本: Is it overrated? March 6, 2015 I was able to cross one item off my bucket list last month. I went to see the 66th Sapporo Snow Festival in Hokkaido in the north of Japan. It is held every year in February and it is one of Japan’s largest eve...
French Dining in Osaka : Chelsea Dining, Namba Parks チェルシー なんばパークス January 15, 2015 These pictures are from last year, by last year I mean December when I went to have dinner at Chelsea Dining チェルシー なんばパークス that is kind of French dining at Namba Parks. The restaurant has an all Japanese menu, ...
Latest Hair Trend : Keratin Treatment and My Experience December 22, 2014 Keratin was always on my mind although I was a little intimidated as my past experiences with hair straightening had ended up on a bad note (read a lot of hair breakage!!) I guess it is because of the harsh che...
Nanzen-ji Temple 南禅寺 , Kyoto 京都 in Autumn November 26, 2014 Don't get me wrong...I have nothing against hanami ( cherry blossom ) in Japan, but I feel that it is slightly overrated!! I mean the flowers are pretty no doubt, but sitting under a tree with a picnic basket j...