Kanebo Kate カネボウ ケイト Nail Color Dry Spray Review

This Kanebo Kate カネボウ ケイト Nail Color Dry Spray claims to be helpful for your nail art and when you are in a hurry. It is a quick drying spray that dries and prevents scratches and finger prints on the nails. I ...

Online Shopping Woes

I love shopping. There is a little bit of magic found in buying something new. It is like ice cream. There's always room for more! But, I always questioned myself, if I could ever really enjoy online shopping ...

My Summer Uniform

In the summer time, the heat and the city is a tough combination. It’s hot. I’m so busy. I am always tired. I don’t have time to get clever with my outfits these days. Summer has a way of pushing us more in a s...