Latest Fashion Trends I will follow in 2015: Coordinates or Matching Sets May 25, 2015 When I tell you that I am slow in following latest fashion trends, I am not kidding. For instance this matchy - matchy or coordinate trend that started maybe a few months back, I jumped on the bandwagon only re...
Things to do in Japan in Spring: Plum Blossom at Osaka Castle 梅大 坂城 March 18, 2015 Every year in Spring I visit Osaka Castle to view Cherry Blossoms, it's a ritual that I absolutely enjoy. Believe it or not but only this year I discovered the beauty of Plum Blossoms and although every one tri...
Things to do in Japan : Miyajima 宮島 October 13, 2014 Miyajima 宮島 was on my list as it is one of the top most scenic sights in Japan. And finally I was able to tick one item off my bucket list. I visited Miyajima last month. September is not a good time to travel ...
Loving Lately.. December 4, 2013 Wow!! It has been a long time since I did a blog post. I had been away on a vacation for a good one and a half months and now down with cold, cough and fever. So while I am at home taking rest, I thought why no...