Things to do in Japan in Spring: Plum Blossom at Osaka Castle 梅大 坂城 March 18, 2015 Every year in Spring I visit Osaka Castle to view Cherry Blossoms, it’s a ritual that I absolutely enjoy. Believe it or not but only this year I discovered the beauty of Plum Blossoms and although every one tried to convince me that plums grow on cacti, once my mind was made up, I made my way to the Plum Grove at Osaka Castle which showcases over a 100 varieties! Plum Blossom is associated with the start of Spring and Osaka Castle truly heralds in my favorites season with the smorgasbord of whites, pinks, reds and magentas on display. Coming to think of it, the darker & more vibrant hue of pink of Plum Blossom make for a better background for my pics vs. the delicate pink of the Cherry Blossom. Hmm … or does it? So many options, so many choices … it makes a girl’s life so complicated … anyways I am convinced to visit Osaka Expo Park, I heard the plum blossoms there attract visitors from places far away. So folks bear with me as the coming weeks will be an overdose of flower power! P.S. a piece of Trivia, Plum trees actually originated in China and were brought to Japan prior to the Nara period. Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Vivalahighstreet Sweater – GAP, $30 on Sale, 2014, also worn here; Pants – H&M, $25, 2014, also worn here; Bag – Chanel, gift, 2014, also worn here; Coat – Bershka, $50 on sale, 2015; Sneakers – Nike, 121$, 2008, also worn here; Sunglasses – GU, $7, 2015;