3 Best Places to See Tulips in Tokyo April 20, 2019 Well cherry blossom season was here and is gone! But it doesn’t mean that there is nothing else to see or do in Tokyo. Japanese spring is not only cherry blossoms, but there are many other kinds of flowers that...
5 Bad Habits to Break in 2019 January 19, 2019 Happy New Year! Hope you started your new year with a bang! When a new year begins, it’s a good time to start off on the right foot with a clean slate. It’s the time to throw away bad habits and get into a good...
5 Practical Tips To Make Positive Thinking Easy ポジティヴ・シンキング August 18, 2018 I am back to the blogging world after more than a year! Much has happened. I was already going through many ups and downs in my personal life, and then suddenly one fine day my blog disappeared! The page showed...
Things to do in Japan : 越すプレ Cosplay festival – Nippombashi Street Festa, Osaka 日本橋 ストリート フェスタ, 大阪市 March 18, 2016 Den Den town is known for shops specializing in electronics, animation, manga and collectibles, a smaller version of Akihabara Electric Town in Tokyo. It is Osaka's hub for everything weird or cool!! You'll fin...
Things to do in Kyoto: 舞妓 Maiko Transformation March 7, 2016 I love Kyoto and I love the world of geishas and maikos. Maiko 舞妓 and geiko/geisha 芸子/芸者 are female performing artists working in Gion area whose skills include performing various Japanese arts such as classica...
Must do in Japan: Visit a 相撲 Sumo Wrestling Tournament February 23, 2016 Last year I had a chance to see a live sumo wrestling tournament. It was one of the things I had really wanted to do in Japan. It is strange that many Japanese people haven’t seen live sumo ever in their life. ...
Michelin Star Restaurant: La Cime, Osaka ラ シーム, 大阪 November 19, 2015 My birthday was in August & like every year it was filled with shopping, surprise gifts, shopping– finally culminating in a gastronomic treat at a fancy Michelin starred establishment. This time I decided ...
Latest Fashion Trend: T-shirt Dress ファッション トレンド: T シャツ ドレス October 19, 2015 Two fashion trends that have been really popular this year are t-shirt dresses and cold shoulders. I picked up this dress a few weeks back from a Japanese brand One Spo. I was not sure about this dress - I am n...
3 D Paintings Exhibition @Kyocera Dome Osaka 京セラ ドーム 大阪 August 23, 2015 It is too hot to go sight-seeing these days, so what better than enjoy 3 D paintings and art work in a cool air- conditioned atmosphere! That is why I went to a 3 D art work display in Kyocera Dome a few days b...