キャンメイク Canmake High Cover Pressed Powder Review

キャンメイク Canmake High Cover Pressed Powder claims to be a powder that eliminates the need for foundation. It banishes shine, but won’t dry your skin as it has a skin friendly formulation. It prevents that awful d...

キャンメイク Canmake Cheek Gradation Review

I finally gave in to this huge trend of gradation cheek blushes. They are everywhere..department stores, drug stores..looks like every cosmetics company is really into it these days!!And why not..it's an awesom...

キャンメイク Canmake Liquid Eyeliner Review

Canmake キャンメイク is a famous drug store cosmetics brand in Japan. Canmake products are also available in Taiwan, Korea and Singapore and off course you can look for it on the internet. Vivalahighstreet I b...
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Loving Lately

Here is my first love list of 2013...hoping for many more to come!! Cheek gradation blushers from Canmake Tokyo which are so handy and easy to use.. Vivalahighstreet Festive and Christmasy Coke bottle.. V...